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Ur: The End of Civilization in 90 Tableaux


主演:William Brown Alex Chevasco Ed 

导演:William Brown 


Shot in the south of France on a shoestring budget, Ur: The End of Civilization in 90 Tableaux tells the story of six characters in search of a zombie apocalypse. A searing insight into the decadent lifestyles of the British upper middle class, Ur follows Will, Dennis, Laura and Rosie, who have come to visit Alex and Edward in Bergerac, France. Edward loves Rosie. Alex seduces Rosie. Alex also seduces Laura. Will is having a nervous breakdown. Dennis is trying to put his life back together. Will then gets bitten when out running - and turns into a zombie. Do the others kill him or keep him? The title, Ur, means primitive and the film is shot in the primitive style of cinema's inventors, the Lumiere brothers.

Ur: The End of Civilization in 90 Tableaux高清完整在线观看

Ur: The End of Civilization in 90 Tableaux高清完整在线观看

三季都看完了这部戏最引人入胜的不是最终到底谁继承,而是每个角色如何去处理心理创伤。某种程度上每个小孩都受到父亲的情绪虐待,但同时又很渴望父亲的认同及展现对权力的野心。父亲Logan则透过孩子各种的欲望和弱点,运用不同方式操纵他们。里面的配乐也是各种经典:“if you love me, please don’t judge megot my hands tied, the power’s above medon’t shoot the messenger, i’m just a puppet here,if you wanna place blame,then look to the puppeteer”透过很细微的方式诠释每个

《Ur: The End of Civilization in 90 Tableaux》电影高清完整版手机在线观看

《Ur: The End of Civilization in 90 Tableaux》电影高清完整版手机在线观看


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Ur: The End of Civilization in 90 Tableaux电影高清下载


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Ur: The End of Civilization in 90 Tableaux免费观看超清


英国,法国最新电影《Ur: The End of Civilization in 90 Tableaux》由 William Brown  执导。全能影视为广大网友收集了2022年由 William Brown Alex Chevasco Edward Chevasco Dennis Chua Rose  等领衔主演的Ur: The End of Civilization in 90 Tableaux在线观看,全能影视还支持手机看免费高清版Ur: The End of Civilization in 90 Tableaux,非常方便,希望大家喜欢。

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